Nr. |
Product/ Medication | Symptom |
Improvement |
Details / Links | |
a1 |
Ayahuasca - 1st session only Ayahuasca - 2nd and 3rd session combined with Rebirthing Rebirthing makes the process much easier, but it also worked in the first session, without Rebirthing. (Though it took much longer and was way more painful!) What is Ayahuasca? ![]() |
ALL of them completely disappeard. | 100%,
total recovery for a few hours! This is how spontaneous remission probably feels! It happened all the 3 times during my 3 journeys in two weeks. Each and every time I experienced complete recovery with ALL symptoms: - brainfog - muscle weakness - fatigue - sore eyes - sore ears - sinusitis - general malaise All of them fully disappeared! |
seems more and more that ME/CFS could be regarded as an altered
state of consciousness, or more precise: sometimes it seems to
be an altered state of UNconsciousness
- due to all the brainfog!
a2 |
Psilocybin (combined with Rebirthing)
What is Psilocybin?
can literally watch how psilocybin 'fights the bugs'...! As the mushroom contains Psilocybin and Psilocin, both of which will be digested by the stomach acids into DMT; it works somewhat similar to ayahuasca - except that the taste is way better... And it has been used in Europe for thousands of years. As I have learned, the 'digestion-process' in the brain happens as following: Whey Protein > Tryptophan > 5HTP > Serotonin > Melatonin > Pinoline > 5-MeO-DMT > DMT (Can anybody confirm this?) and: Does that mean, one could increase the healing properties of psilocybin by ingesting whey protein, tryptophan or 5HTP, or even melatonin? How about using kefir or just raw milk insted of whey protein? und, da Psilocybin nichts anderes ist als DMT mit einem zusätzlichen Sauerstoff-molekül ist, führe ich im moment eine intensiv-therapie mit psilocybin-haltigen pilzen durch. Die ersten erfahrungen damit (ca. 5 trips alles zusammen) zeigen das der pilz buchstäblich gegen die krankeit (z.b. gegen die viren und bakterien) kämpft. Ich muss husten und spucken, manchmal für stunden. Dann lösen sich die sinushöhlen, die bei mir praktisch immer verstopft sind. (alles untersymptome vom cfs) Häufig ist der ganze prozess von bildern von dämonen und anderen dunklen gestalten begleitet. Es scheinen symbole der krankheit (oder der verschiedenen krankheiten) in meinem körper zu sein. Es gilt also diese 'entitäten' vollständing aus meinem körper rauszubringen. (wahrscheinlich auch aus meinem mentalen/emotionalen und spirituellen körper) |
a3 |
FIR-Sauna |
soll helfen bei: - Dehnbarkeit des Gewebes - Muskel-verspannungen - Infrarot Wärme lindert Schmerzen - Stimuliert Blutzirkulation - Erhöhung des Blutdruckes - Arthritis - Hautkrankheiten - Blutzirkulation - Schmerzlinderung |
symptoms, though especially chronic sinusitis and fibromyalgia symptoms. |
result: Die Wirkung Wirkung eines Infrarot-Wärmesystems |
a4 |
Rebirthing Also called: - Breathwork - Holotropic Breathing - Vivation What is Rebirthing? Jump to the rebirthing-entry in the ME/CFS database |
all symptoms | +
10% up to + 50% (results usually last between 1 to 4 hours only, but sometimes up to 3 days!) |
Very good
explanation on how to do rebirthing here: |
a5 |
Rebirthing combined with psychedelic therapy |
all symptoms | If combined with
other methods (as psychedelic therapy e.g) it potentiates and intensifies
the experience enormously! At the moment (August 2005) I consider psychedelic therapy combined with rebirthing the strongest method to change one's mental, emotional and physical state short-term. Whether this is also true for a long-term outlook (healing of ME/CFS remains to be tested.) I will keep you updated! |
a6 |
Binaural Beats Holosynchronization What are Binaural Beats? ![]() |
to come |
What I tried already and actually really helped longterm. |
Nr. |
Product/ Medication | Symptom |
Improvement |
Details / Links |
b1 |
(Tea and used traditionally as the whole rhizome in Thai food) |
Dizziness | +
95% |
ginger, if possible organically grown, helps
miraculously against dizziness! Dried ginger might be
worth a try as well, as some of the chemicals change by drying. |
b2 |
Change in Diet | Sore stomach | +
85% |
realised that eating lot's of acidic fruits is very detrimental to a healthy
stomach. The less fruits I eat, the better
my stomach feels. |
b3 |
Magnetic Field Therapy | Fibromyalgia | +
95% |
Used it daily, over a period
of 1 month. First did not notice anything; 2 weeks after using it I suddenly realized: The muscle/joint - pain is nearly totally gone! However, the extreme fatiuge and all the other symptoms (Brain-fog, photophobia and all the flu-like symptoms) unfortunately remained. What is magnetic field therapy? Good explanation here: ![]() ![]() ![]() (See also transcranial magnetic stimulation, which might also be of great interest for the treatment of ME-CFIDS.) |
b4 |
Fire-Walking | Anxiety / Panic | +
70% |
had my firewalking-session on an Anthony Robbins Seminar in 2001 |
What I tried already and did NOT work, or only very minor improvement, or even deterioration. |
Product / Medication / Therapy |
Latin and/or foreign name |
- |
+ |
Details / Links | |
Standard Medication | Details / Links | ||||
Modafinil |
-80% |
Made me extremely nervous
and sleepless. As if I had 20 cups of coffees! |
Ritalin |
-30% |
Made me nervous/ tense |
Berocca |
- Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12,
C, Biotin, Acid. folic. - Nicotinamid, Acid. pantothenic - (Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc) |
o Roche Pharma |
Mg5-Oraleff (Magnesium-präparat) |
Brausetabletten o Vifor Fribourg |
Lipoic Acid (R-Alpha) |
Coenzyme in the citric acid cycle | o Metagenics |
N Acetyl Carnitine (L-Carnitine?) |
Acetyl-levo-carnitine hydrochloride Levo-carnitine |
o Metagenics |
Rhinomer (Nasenhöhlen-spülung) | 3-force 0.9% Natrii chloridum Steriles, isotonic Meerwasser |
o Novartis consumer health,
Bern |
Ichthraletten | Natriumbituminosulfonat | o ICHTHYOL-Gesellschaft,
Cordes, Hermanni & Co. 22335 Hamburg, Germany |
Bio-Logos | - Hydroxocobalaminum - L-O-Phosphothreonium - L-Glutaminum - L-O-Phosphoserinum - L-Arginini monohydrochlor. |
o Sigma-Tau Pharma AG, 4800 Zofingen, Switzerland | |||
Homeopathic Medication | Contents | - |
+ |
Details / Links | |
Fortakehl | Penicillium roquefortii D5 | o Sanum, 27316
Hoya, Germany |
Mucokehl | Mucor racemosus D5 | o Sanum, 27316
Hoya, Germany |
Exmykehl (Zäpfchen) | Candida albicans
D3 Candida parapsilosis D3 Penicillium roqueforti D3 |
o Sanum, 27316
Hoya, Germany |
Quentakehl | Penicillium glabrum D4 | o Sanum, 27316
Hoya, Germany |
Propionibacterium | Propionibacterium avidum D5 | o Sanum, 27316 Hoya, Germany | |||
Aspergillus | Aspergillus niger D5 | o Sanum, 27316 Hoya, Germany | |||
Peyer'sche Plaques | Peyer'sche Plaques D4 | o Sanum, 27316 Hoya, Germany | |||
Borrelia Nos. Sdf. | Flüssig Verdünnung zur Injektion | Against lyme-borreliose-virus | o Holomed,
7630 Ootmarsum, Holland o serafin.ch |
Borrelia | Borrelia Nos.
Sdf. D6 Borrelia Nos. Sdf. D30 |
o Stauffen Pharma, Göppingen, Germany | |||
2LXFS (Labo’Life) |
- Interleukin
I, - Interferon Alpha, - Interferon Gamma, - Tum.Necr.Fact.Alpha, - Desoxyribonucleic (ADN) |
Against epstein-barr-virus with immune-hyper-reactivity | now
using! |
20% (short-term) |
the first 2 weeks of intake seemed to help a bit, in that I kind of
remembered how it feels to be healthy again, though in no
way I was healthier! |
2LHERP (Labo'Life) |
- Acid.Nucleic.
Specif.SNA-HER1, - Acid. Nucleic.Specif.SNA-HER2 |
Against herpes-virus with immune-hyper-reactivity | now using! |
20% (short-term) |
the first 2 weeks of intake seemed to help a bit, in that I kind of
remembered how it feels to be healthy again, though in no
way I was healthier! |
Antitox (Phönix) |
Against: - Infektionen - Milchschorf - Eczema - Sepsis - Psoriasis |
o Phönix
Laboratorium GmbH, 71149 Bondorf |
Phöno-Hepan (Phönix) |
Against: - Leberinsuffizienz - Parenchymschäden - Fermentstörungen |
o Phönix
Laboratorium GmbH, 71149 Bondorf |
Solidago (Phönix) |
Against: - Nierenprobleme - Erkältungen |
using! |
o Phönix
Laboratorium GmbH, 71149 Bondorf |
Carduus-Chelidonium (Phönix) |
Against: - Entgiftung der Leber - Normalisierung des Gallensekrets - Anregend für Darm-muskulatur |
using! |
o Phönix
Laboratorium GmbH, 71149 Bondorf |
Urtica-Arsenicum (Phönix) |
- Lösung der Toxine über die Haut und Schleimhaut. | now
using! |
o Phönix
Laboratorium GmbH, 71149 Bondorf |
Schnupfen Nr.3 (Similasan) |
- Cinnabaris
(Hydrargyr.sulfur.rubr.) D10 - Kalium bichromicum D8 - Luffa operculata D8 ana partes |
o Similasan AG, 8916 Jonen, Switzerland | |||
Esoteric Therapies | Contents | - |
+ |
Details / Links | |
Pranic Healing | pranic-healing . com | ||||
NLP / Motivation Seminar | |||||
Fire-Walking | |||||
Cranio-Sacral | |||||
TCM, Acupuncture, Moxibustion | -
10% |
During 8 consultations I
often felt dizzy, it was just generally unpleasant. The practising doctors
spoke only Chinese, Translation was akward! TCM Bad Ragaz.ch |
Phytotherapy | Contents | - |
+ |
Details / Links | |
Blütenpollen | o Dr. A.Vogel o Bioforce in Roggwil o About.com |
Remotiv | Hyperici herba 250mg Hypericin 0.50mg Johanniskraut |
+10% |
o Zeller |
Myrrhinil-Intest | - Myrrhe (100 mg) - Kammillenblüten (70 mg) - Kaffeekohle (50 mg) |
gegen entzündliche
und infektiöse Darm- erkrankungen |
3 x 2 tablets daily o Repha GmbH, 30855 Langenhagen, Germany |
Thymian Thymus zygis |
Weisses Thymian-Oel. 100% echtes Wasserdampfdestillat. |
+10% |
Inhalation : Gives somewhat of a relief against my Chronic nasal congestion, but only short-term (for about 2 - 4 hours) o Elixan, Switzerland |